As home to the world's fourth-largest population, Indonesia is quickly becoming a force in the medical aesthetics world.
Though it has not yet achieved the global recognition of Korean plastic surgery or the exponential growth of Chinese plastic surgery, Indonesia's aesthetic medicine market is expanding rapidly, driven by rising disposable incomes, evolving beauty standards and technological advancements. These developments will likely turn the country into a more prominent regional player in aesthetic medicine in the coming years.
Today, we explore the unique characteristics of Indonesian plastic surgery, its cultural context, and the procedures that are transforming the nation's approach to beauty.
The History and Evolution of Plastic Surgery in Indonesia
Indonesian plastic surgery has a rich history that began during the Dutch colonial period in the early 20th century.
Early Years
European surgical techniques arrived on Indonesia's shores when it was still known as the Dutch East Indies.
Following World War I, a large contingent of Austro-Hungarian surgeons joined the Royal Netherlands East-Indian Army Medical Corps (KNIL). They brought invaluable experience in reconstructive techniques to the region, and several made important contributions to plastic surgery and its literature:
- Johannes Adrianus van Dijk introduced the tubed pedicle flap in the Dutch East Indies in 1921
- Robert Lesk published extensively on plastic surgical topics, including skin cancer, head and neck surgery, and cleft lip and palate treatments
- Norbert Grzywa published on the treatment of post-burn scarring using a flap technique
The year 1927 saw the establishment of a medical school in Batavia (now Jakarta). This marked a turning point for surgical training in Indonesia, and it was closely followed by the appearance of cosmetic surgery in Indonesia in the 1930s.
Mid 20th Century
Progress stalled during the Japanese occupation during World War II and the subsequent independence struggle against the Dutch, which lasted until 1949. These conflicts created financial and social instability that limited the country's economic development.
In the late 1960s through the 1980s, gradual industrialisation and urbanisation created more favourable conditions for plastic surgery advancement and a wealthier middle class that could afford cosmetic services.
Late 20th Century
Indonesia's economy took a severe hit during the 1997 Asian financial crisis that originated in Thailand. The effects of the crisis lingered, pushing plastic surgery procedures financially out of reach for much of the population and temporarily stunting the industry's growth.
21st Century
The Indonesian economy began recovering in the early 2000s. Rising disposable incomes restored demand for elective cosmetic procedures, and growing international tourism (including medical tourism) expanded the potential patient base.
That growth has continued steadily. As Indonesia continues its trajectory as one of Southeast Asia's strongest economies, the plastic surgery market is expected to diversify and expand further.
How Popular Is Plastic Surgery in Indonesia?
Indonesia's medical aesthetics market was valued at US$234.11 million in 2022 and is projected to reach US$495.64 million by 2029. This places Indonesia's market share at approximately 4.1% of the Asia-Pacific medical aesthetics industry.
What Is Driving the Rise of Plastic Surgery in Indonesia?
Indonesia's aesthetics boom aligns with broader economic and cultural shifts.
Economic Empowerment
Wages are rising in Indonesia, creating a substantial middle-class population with disposable income to invest in aesthetic procedures. Aesthetic medicine is now an accessible option for many urban professionals, not just a luxury for the elite.
Social Media Influence
Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have redefined beauty standards for Indonesians. Many patients cite the desire to improve their appearance in selfies or the desire to look more like their digitally enhanced, filtered images as reasons for pursuing cosmetic procedures.
Medical Tourism
Indonesia is positioning itself as a destination for medical tourists seeking high-quality care at competitive prices. Organisations like the Indonesian Medical Tourism Board are actively promoting the country's skilled surgeons, modern facilities and the prospect of combining aesthetic procedures with a recovery vacation.
Cultural Acceptance
Traditional Indonesian values once viewed cosmetic enhancements with scepticism. However, attitudes are evolving rapidly, particularly in urban areas. More than half of Indonesia's large population are aged 16 to 35 — a generation that is tech-savvy, beauty-obsessed and more open-minded towards cosmetic procedures than their parents.
What Are the Most Popular Indonesian Aesthetic Procedures?
Surgical Procedures
While nonsurgical treatments dominate the Indonesian market, surgical procedures maintain steady growth. Popular options include:
Breast Augmentation: Despite Indonesia's relatively conservative social norms, breast augmentation consistently ranks as one of the most popular surgical procedures.
Blepharoplasty: Blepharoplasty — specifically Asian blepharoplasty, which creates an upper eyelid crease — also ranks highly year after year.
Rhinoplasty: Nasal refinement is highly requested. Indonesian patients typically seek subtle bridge definition and tip refinement rather than dramatic changes.
Nonsurgical Treatments
Nonsurgical aesthetic treatments dominate the Indonesian market, constituting over 65% of all procedures performed. Popular options include:
Injectables: Injectable treatments represent the largest segment of nonsurgical procedures in Indonesia. These options are particularly popular among urban professionals who value their accessibility and minimal downtime.
Devices: Energy-based devices for skin tightening and laser therapies rank second, addressing strong demand for pigmentation correction and anti-aging solutions.
Skin Rejuvenation: Skin treatments such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion represent the fastest-growing segment in the Indonesian nonsurgical market.
The Indonesian Approach to Plastic Surgery
Indonesian aesthetics reflect a unique blend of global influences and local preferences:
Cultural Preferences
Indonesian patients typically value results that enhance rather than radically alter their appearance. The concept of "ethnic appropriate" outcomes—changes that preserve Southeast Asian characteristics while addressing specific concerns—guides many surgical approaches.
K-Beauty Influence
Like many countries in the region, Indonesia's beauty trends are heavily influenced by South Korea. Many patients request procedures inspired by K-pop stars and Korean beauty filters, and K-beauty skincare brands are well-regarded by Indonesian consumers.
Natural Results Prioritised
Unlike some markets where dramatic transformations are celebrated, Indonesian patients typically prefer discreet enhancements that won't be immediately obvious to others. This preference for subtlety influences everything from implant selection to the popularity of nonsurgical procedures.
Holistic Approaches
Leading Indonesian clinics increasingly offer integrated care models combining plastic surgery with complementary services like nutrition counselling and dermatology. This consolidation addresses consumer preferences for "one-stop" solutions that can address all their aesthetic needs.
Discover Indonesian-Inspired Plastic Surgery in Sydney
If you're intrigued by Indonesia's approach to plastic surgery but prefer to stay closer to home, we welcome you to visit Asian Plastic Surgery. Our specialist plastic surgeons have dedicated their careers to mastering techniques developed for Asian features. We combine the best aspects of Asian aesthetic philosophy with Australian medical standards and practices.
Contact Asian Plastic Surgery on 02 8962 9388 or through our enquiry form to schedule a consultation.