Asian Fat Grafting / Transfer

Asian Fat Grafting / Transfer

Asian Fat Grafting/Transfer

Overview of Asian Fat Grafting / Transfer

Fat grafting, also known as fat transfer, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing a patient’s body fat from strategic areas and transferring it to new areas. This technique is growing increasingly popular in various facets of plastic surgery, including facial rejuvenation and breast augmentation. Fat grafting is a desirable alternative to more invasive techniques for some patients because it requires fewer incisions and reduced recovery time.

Fat grafting may offer several advantages for Asian patients. Many patients feel hesitant about undergoing an invasive surgical procedure for fear that it will look obvious and unnatural or leave conspicuous scars. Many others worry about the potential implications of introducing non-organic material, such as breast implants, into the body. Fat grafting uses only natural material, and it looks and feels natural as a result.

If you are considering Asian fat grafting in Sydney or the surrounding areas, schedule a private consultation at Asian Plastic Surgery. Our fully qualified specialist plastic surgeons are Australian-trained and practice with a special focus in Asian aesthetics. 


There are many reasons why you may wish to choose fat grafting over a procedure that achieves similar goals:

  • Fat grafting is less invasive than a facelift, facial bone contouring or breast implants
  • Fat grafting is 100% organic; no foreign material enters the body
  • Fat grafting has dual benefits — adding volume to one area while simultaneously providing some liposculpture in another area
  • Fat grafting usually has a quicker and more comfortable recovery than invasive surgery
  • Fat grafting produces less scarring
  • Fat grafting can accomplish some goals that other options cannot
  • Fat grafting results feel soft and natural

The specialist plastic surgeons at Asian Plastic Surgery are committed to using the latest advances in fat grafting technology to secure the highest rate of healthy fat survival. Request an in-person consultation to learn more about this process and find out if you are a suitable candidate. 

What to Expect

Your initial consultation will establish your fat grafting goals and expectations. Your surgeon will discuss all surgical and nonsurgical options so that you can make informed choices for yourself. Many women are suited to undergo fat grafting procedures, although there are some situations in which it isn’t appropriate. Your surgeon will create a personalised treatment plan that takes your unique circumstances and anatomy into account.

The fat grafting operation involves three steps. First, fat is harvested by liposuction from an area where there is excess — often the buttocks, thighs or abdomen. Low suction is used to minimise damage to the fat cells. When the collection process is complete, fat cells are separated from surrounding liquid. This purification process ensures there is an ample supply of clean and healthy fat cells to be used in the transfer. In the final step of the procedure, the fat is injected into the areas where more volume is desired.

A fat transfer procedure can take two to four hours, depending on the volume of fat being transferred. After the operation, you will be able to return home to recover in familiar surroundings. You can expect some swelling, bruising, redness and aching or soreness around the injection sites and the donor sites. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to assist with any discomfort. 

Recovery experiences can vary significantly from one person to another due to a multitude of factors. These include the specifics of your procedure, your body’s natural healing process, individual health conditions, age, lifestyle, skin quality and adherence to aftercare instructions.

This variability means that while we can provide general guidelines and average recovery timelines, your personal experience may differ. The information below about fat grafting recovery is a general overview and should not replace the personalised guidance you will receive during your consultations and postoperative care.

Key Recovery Expectations

Initial Downtime: 1-2 weeks, depending on the extent of fat transfer and the areas treated
Full Recovery: 4-6 weeks
What to Expect: swelling, bruising, redness, aching, soreness in both the donor and recipient areas
Activity: light activities can be resumed within a few days; strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for 6-8 weeks
Medications: medications to control pain and nausea may be prescribed, along with antibiotics
Aftercare: proper care of both the donor and recipient sites is crucial; do not massage the treated areas; do not put pressure on the recipient sites
Sleeping: you may need to adjust your sleeping position to avoid putting pressure on the treated areas
Garments: compression garments should be worn as close to 24 hours as possible for at least 2 weeks after surgery
Incisions: care for any incisions at the donor site per your doctor’s instructions
Scars: any scars should fade over time and become less noticeable; full maturity is reached between 12 and 18 months

Our surgeons aim to achieve outcomes that do not look overdone. Fat grafting results feel soft and natural because the finished product is all you, without any artificial enhancements. Because the fat is transferred using a thin cannula, there is little scarring in the injected area. Small linear scars will be left in the liposuctioned area(s).

Common Areas

Two types of fat grafting are popular with our Asian patients:

Fat Grafting Breast Augmentation

Breast fat grafting is an implant-free approach to breast augmentation that may achieve a more natural look and feel than implants. It is often less stressful on the body than implant augmentation, which means recovery is comparatively faster and discomfort is reduced, especially compared to that experienced with submuscular implants. Breast fat grafting also eliminates the potential for implant complications and the need for replacement implants. Some fat will not survive the transfer, but the results can be long-lasting once the transferred fat cells develop a steady blood supply within the breasts.

Facial Fat Grafting

Fat grafting can be used for volumising and shaping the face around the eyes, jawline and cheeks. Facial fat grafting can correct volume loss and wrinkles in older patients and can be used to improve proportions and harmony in younger patients. The volume enhancement can last longer than nonsurgical alternatives and, because there is no foreign material, it can be a viable solution for people who are sensitive or allergic to the ingredients in nonsurgical products. 

Dr. Ellis Choy Performs Breast Fat Transfer Part 01
Dr. Ellis Choy Performs Breast Fat Transfer Part 02
What is Fat Transfer to the Breast?
Can Fat Grafting Be Used as a Standalone Procedure?
What is Involved in the Fat Grafting Procedure?
What Pain Will the Patient Feel After the Fat Graft?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I take fat from for fat grafting?

How long does fat grafting take to heal?

How long does it take a fat graft to take?

How long does fat grafting last?

Is fat grafting safe?

How much does fat grafting cost?

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications. 

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For breast or facial fat grafting, these include:

  • Fat grafting risks and complications, such as excessive fat reabsorption, over or under correction, and formation of oil cysts or hardened masses
  • Liposuction risks and complications, such as contour irregularities, skin laxity, skin numbness, fat embolism and internal organ damage

Next Steps

Request a consultation at Asian Plastic Surgery for a detailed discussion of these considerations. One of our specialist plastic surgeons will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. Our entire team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.

Asian Breast Augmentation

Procedure performed by

Dr Ellis Choy

Specialist plastic Surgeon

Dr Ellis Choy is an Australian trained, fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon. He specialises in a wide range of Asian Plastic Surgery procedures involving the face, breast and body works. As an Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon, Dr Choy helps his patients achieve life-changing transformation via personal enhancement.

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Learn more about Dr Ellis Choy

Request More Information About Asian Fat Grafting

Fat grafting fills a critical niche for patients seeking natural enhancements to their appearance. These procedures can produce results in two body areas at once, but require a plastic surgeon who has significant experience with both fat injection and liposuction. You also want a surgeon with superior skill and a keen eye, who can deliver an aesthetic and proportionate contour in both regions.

The specialist plastic surgeons at Asian Plastic Surgery are fully qualified and capable of carrying out fat grafting procedures for the face and breasts. Contact Asian Plastic Surgery on +02 5104 9703 or fill out our enquiry form today to learn more.

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