Asian Eyelid Surgery

Asian Eyelid Surgery

Asian Eyelid Surgery

Overview of Asian Eyelid Surgery

For many patients from East Asian or South East Asian communities, the upper eyelid does not have the crease commonly found in non-Asian people that divides the lid into two parts. This is a natural trait of many Asian eyes that is referred to as a ‘Single Eyelid’ or ‘Monolid’. 

Asian blepharoplasty, also known as Asian eyelid surgery or Asian double eyelid surgery, is designed to reshape the skin above the eye, elevating the upper eyelid and creating a crease. Over the years, this has become an increasingly common facial plastic surgery procedure. 

With the eyelid folds created, the eyes may appear wider, altering the overall aesthetic appearance of the face. The plastic surgery team at Asian Plastic Surgery have extensive experience working with Asian patients in the Sydney area.

Read on to learn more about this procedure, and to discover why growing numbers of patients are choosing Asian eyelid surgery.

Benefits of Asian Eyelid Surgery

Asian eyelid surgery adjusts eye-region aesthetics by creating a crease on the upper eyelid. 

An Asian Plastic Surgery surgeon will assess these factors during a consultation before the operation. In addition to their surgical experience and expertise, our plastic surgeons boast an in-depth understanding of Asian facial anatomy and aesthetic preferences. Their goal when performing Asian blepharoplasty is to enhance the eyes while preserving each patient’s distinctive facial aesthetic and natural beauty.

What to Expect From Eyelid Surgery

The consultation is a critical part of the Asian eyelid surgery procedure. During this phase, your surgeon will get to know your personal motivations for the surgery. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the surgery in a safe and friendly environment. After the consultation, your surgical team will set a surgery date that suits you. You will be informed of what to expect and any preparations you must make.

Blepharoplasty for Asian eyes can be performed with either the non-incisional “suture technique” or the incisional “open technique” depending on the patient’s circumstances and preferences. During surgery, the upper eyelid skin is lifted to create an eyelid fold known as a supratarsal crease. The degree to which the skin is elevated will depend on the natural shape of your eye. An anchor suture is then applied to close the incision and hold the recontoured eyelid in place, ready for healing.

Asian double eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes one to two hours. You will be able to return home on the same day. Recovery experiences can vary significantly from one person to another due to a multitude of factors, including the specifics of your procedure, your body’s natural healing process, individual health conditions, age, lifestyle, skin quality and adherence to aftercare instructions.

This variability means that while we can provide general guidelines and average recovery timelines, your personal experience may differ. The following information about eyelid surgery recovery is a general overview and should not replace the personalised guidance you will receive during your consultations and postoperative care.

Key Recovery Expectations

Initial Downtime: 7-10 days
Full Recovery: 2-4 weeks for most daily activities; several months for final results
What to Expect: swelling, bruising, dry eyes, watery eyes, light sensitivity, temporary blurred or double vision, discomfort around the eye area
Activity: light daily activities can be resumed after a few days; avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting and vigorous exercise, for at least 2-3 weeks
Medications: pain relief medications and eye drops may be prescribed; always follow your doctor's instructions
Aftercare: keep your head elevated, even while sleeping, for several days; use cold compresses to reduce swelling; avoid rubbing your eyes; do not wear contact lenses for at least 2 weeks
Sleeping: rest is crucial for recovery; sleep with your head raised higher than your chest to minimise swelling
Garments: sunglasses are recommended to protect your eyes from sunlight and wind
Incisions: care for the surgical sites as directed; stitches are usually removed or dissolve within a week.
Scars: incisions are often well-concealed within natural eyelid creases; scars take 12-18 months to mature fully

Asian double eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes one to two hours. You will be able to return home on the same day. In the hours and days that follow the operation, you may experience some discomfort, as well as swelling, bruising, irritation or dryness. Keep your head in an elevated position and apply a cold compress to control the swelling and bruising. Avoid allergens, dry environments and rubbing or scratching your eyes. 

You should be able to go back to work in around seven days. Strenuous activities, including heavy lifting, should be avoided for about 14 days. All postoperative swelling and bruising should subside within a few weeks, allowing you to see the final results of your Asian eyelid surgery.

Eyelid Surgery Techniques

There are two primary methods for performing Asian eyelid surgery.

For an incisional blepharoplasty, or “open technique”, the surgeon creates a short incision where the crease will be on the upper lid. The placement of the incision is based on the patient’s facial features and detailed measurements. The surgeon then uses the incision to create a fold and anchors it in place with tiny sutures. The scar is fine line once it heals.

A non-incisional blepharoplasty, or “suture technique”, is less invasive. The surgeon makes a series of small punctures in the skin where the fold will be created, then places sutures through the punctures and tightens them until they form the crease. The sutures stay beneath the skin where they cannot be seen. They do not need to be removed and there is less scarring than with the incisional technique.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Asian double eyelid surgery the same as eyelid surgery?

What happens if I’ve had eyelid surgery and am not satisfied with my results?

How much does Asian eyelid surgery cost?

How long does Asian blepharoplasty last?

How painful is it to get Asian double eyelid surgery?

Will double eyelid surgery completely change my appearance?

Making an Informed Decision

Undergoing plastic surgery is a significant decision that should be made only after careful consideration of all aspects involved, including the potential risks and complications. 

General Risks and Complications

There are general risks and complications that apply to most plastic surgery procedures. These are discussed in detail on our Risks and Complications page.

Specific Risks and Complications

In addition to those that apply generally to plastic surgery, each individual procedure comes with its own specific risks and complications. For Asian eyelid surgery, these include: 

  • Incomplete crease formation
  • Dry eyes or excessive tearing
  • Multiple crease formation
  • Difficulty closing the eyelids
  • Asymmetrical eye appearance
  • Temporary blurred or double vision
  • Over or undercorrection
  • Loss of vision

Next Steps

Request a consultation at Asian Plastic Surgery for a detailed discussion of these considerations. One of our specialist plastic surgeons will conduct a thorough risk assessment based on your individual factors and outline the measures that can be taken to minimise these risks. Our entire team are here to support your decision-making process, providing all the information you need to make well-informed choices about your care.

Asian Breast Augmentation

Procedure performed by

Dr Ellis Choy

Specialist plastic Surgeon

Dr Ellis Choy is an Australian trained, fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon. He specialises in a wide range of Asian Plastic Surgery procedures involving the face, breast and body works. As an Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon, Dr Choy helps his patients achieve life-changing transformation via personal enhancement.

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons
Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Learn more about Dr Ellis Choy

Request More Information About Asian Eyelid Surgery

The skilled surgical team at Asian Plastic Surgery understand Asian facial anatomy and the customised surgical techniques that are beneficial for Asian patients. Combining aesthetic vision with years of surgical experience, our plastic surgeons will carefully assess your condition and facial structure to identify a suitable approach to your surgery.

If you would like to learn more about Asian eyelid surgery in Sydney or find out if you are a candidate, contact Asian Plastic Surgery
on +02 5104 9703 or fill out our enquiry form today.

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